A Preparatory School for children aged 3-13
Hilden Grange School is dedicated to giving our children a broad and balanced education in a supportive and stimulating environment where every child’s potential can be realised.
The Nursery provides a wonderful introduction to school life. Children take part in a huge range of activities and enjoy themselves tremendously while playing. The theme of making learning fun continues throughout the Pre-Prep where an exciting, varied curriculum and engaging teachers ensure that children thoroughly enjoy coming to school and progress rapidly.
By the time children progress to the Prep School, at age 7, they have a firm foundation for learning and are ready and equipped for greater challenges. Here they benefit greatly from specialist teachers in every report and small class sizes.
Aim & Ethos
Our thriving co-educational IAPS Preparatory School was founded in 1929 and is now part of the Alpha Plus Group.
Our aim is to provide a stimulating, friendly and secure environment in which each child’s potential may be realised in the academic, creative, physical and spiritual areas. Pupils strive for high standards, both inside and outside the classroom, take pride in their achievements and enjoy participating wholeheartedly in the life of the school.

Inspection Reports
Indepdendent Schools Inspectorate Report, March 2022
Hilden Grange was inspected by the Independent Schools Inspectorate in March, and we are proud to announce that the school was graded as ‘excellent’, the highest grade possible, in the two areas covered by the report: ‘The Quality of Pupils’ Academic and other Achievements’ and ‘The Quality of Pupil’s Personal Development.’
Malcolm Gough, Headteacher, commented: “I am delighted that the school has been recognised in this way as it is an endorsement of the high quality of education provided at Hilden Grange and the hard work, dedication and commitment of staff, children and parents. As a community we can be justifiably proud of our school and all those associated with Hilden Grange.”
The inspectors noted that “pupils’ exemplary attitudes are supported by creative and engaging teaching which enables them to become highly effective learners’ and added ‘pupils of all ages are engaged and enthusiastic during lessons; they settle down to studies quickly and work independently and with diligence.”
The report recognizes the firm foundation that children receive in the Early Years and how this is developed through their time at the school:
“A large majority of the youngest children receive a very high level of development by the time they leave the early years setting. As pupils move up the school they maintain this strong start and make rapid progress with standardized test scores in English and mathematics being well above national age-related norms.”
“High level skills in the core subjects are established in the EYFS and, as pupils progress though the school, they develop a well-developed fund of knowledge. This is a result of specialist teaching provided in all subjects from Year 3 upwards.”
Opportunities outside of the curriculum were praised, “Pupils flourish beyond the classroom in sports, music and the arts. Sports teams achieve highly in inter-school matches in rugby, cricket and athletics. Excellent musicality is promoted through individual instrumental lessons, choirs and music ensembles ranging from Year 1 ocarinas to senior wind band.”
In terms of the pupils’ personal development, the Inspectors wrote that “Pupils show a highly developed sense of moral responsibility supported wholly by the Hilden Grange way of conduct.” They also commented that, “Pupils show high levels of respect and consideration for each other and form productive relationships.”
We were pleased to note that the impact made by our Language of Learning has been recognized, “Pupils exhibit strong positivity which is nurtured through the six aims of the school’s Language of Learning. This is an everyday common focus for pupils and staff which is embedded within the culture of the school.”
The school was also found to be fully compliant in respect of all regulations in the Regulatory Compliance element of the inspection
ISI Regulatory Compliance Report, October 2017
Hilden Grange was inspected by the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) in October 2017. This inspection focussed on regulatory compliance. Previously this was integrated into one inspection, see below. The inspectors assess how the school meets the Independent School Standards which are divided into eight parts as follows:
Quality of education provided
Spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils
Welfare, health and safety of pupils
Suitability of staff, supply staff and Proprietors
Premises of and accommodation at schools
Provision of information
Manner in which complaints are handled
Quality of leadership in and management of schools
Hilden Grange was judged as meeting the required standards in all areas. The full report may be read here.
For the Alpha Plus Complaints policy please follow this link.
Information regarding the number of formal complaints received in the previous academic year is available from the school office.
For school policies, including the Admissions and Safeguarding Policies, please follow this link.
If you would like to view any of our other policies please contact the school office who will be happy to provide you with copies thereof.