Steam Week 2023
It was full steam ahead for a week packed with scientific investigations and activities. Watch a slideshow of some of the highlights here: Year 3 and 4 pupils used curve…
It was full steam ahead for a week packed with scientific investigations and activities. Watch a slideshow of some of the highlights here: Year 3 and 4 pupils used curve…
Last week’s Singing Masterclass, run by peripatetic singing teachers, Ms Everton and Ms Janes, was an opportunity for pupils from Years 3-8 to join together, pick up some new techniques,…
We’re very proud to announce an exceptional round of Tonbridge School Scholarship results. 7 of our pupils were awarded academic scholarships. These included the ‘Ainslie’, the top award, followed by…
What a triumph the production ‘Cinderella & Rockerfella’ was at the E.M. Foster Theatre in the final week of term. It was such a pleasure to see the children so…
The theme for Earth Day this year is ‘Invest in Our Planet’ with one of the main focus points being ‘plant a tree.’ Well, The Green Team did one better…
Years 7 and 8 were immersed in study skills today to help them develop effective habits for revision and learning, with workshops run by Innerdrive, a mindset coaching company. Year…
It may have been grey and drizzly outside but the Pre-Prep brought sunshine to the Gracey Hall with their Spring Concert. It was a lovely mix of ensemble singing and…
Many of our pupils competed at the Tunbridge Wells Arts Festival and at Hastings Music Festival this term in the singing and instrumental classes. The Tunbridge Wells Festival came first;…