In the Prep School we continue to build on the skills developed in the Pre-Prep and introduce a variety of new skills and sports. The children develop an understanding of physical fitness, tactics and rules in games. The main aim of the department is to encourage the enjoyment of and participation in a wide range of activities to promote lifelong physical involvement.
Hilden Grange has eight football/rugby pitches, three hard ball cricket squares and three soft ball pitches, two tennis courts, two netball courts, an indoor sports hall, heated outdoor swimming pool and 10 cricket nets. In addition to this we make use of further cricket, hockey and athletics facilities at Tonbridge School with who we have an incredibly close relationship in all areas of school life.
Boys’ Games
In the Prep School we continue to build on the skills developed in the Pre-Prep and introduce a variety of new skills and sports. The children develop an understanding of physical fitness, tactics and rules in games. The main aim of the department is to encourage the enjoyment of and participation in a wide range of activities to promote lifelong physical involvement.
Hilden Grange has eight football/rugby pitches, three hard ball cricket squares and three soft ball pitches, two tennis courts, two netball courts, an indoor sports hall, heated outdoor swimming pool and 10 cricket nets. In addition to this we make use of further cricket, hockey and athletics facilities at Tonbridge School with who we have an incredibly close relationship in all areas of school life.
Girls’ Games
The girls’ games programme in the Prep School is based around the major sports of hockey, netball, cross-country, cricket and athletics. When time allows the girls also participate in swimming and tennis. We run as many teams as our numbers allow and all of our girls have the opportunity to compete against other local Prep Schools. Whilst always giving 100% and aiming to with as many of our matches as possible, strong emphasis is also placed on expecting our girls to compete with the utmost sportsmanship and with best behaviour before, during and after the matches.
It is our priority that our girls enjoy and learn from all of their experiences during their Games lessons.