Computing is taught by a specialist teacher to all pupils from Years 1 to 8. Pre-Prep pupils have one hour-long lesson a week during which they are introduced to using a desktop computer before moving on to problem solving and e-Wisdom lessons.
As pupils progress through the years, they regularly visit the three main areas of Computing;
ICT where pupils use computers to create everything from posters to digital storybooks, animations to 3D modelling. In ICT lessons, pupils make use of the Purple Mash resource and Microsoft Office apps to create their work.
Computer Science where pupils are given problems to solve using a variety of methods. In Computer Science focussed lessons, pupils use logical thinking skills, problem breakdown skills and efficiency skills. In Computer Science lessons, pupils make use of the Espresso Coding, Kodu and Scratch resources to create their work.
e-Wisdom is the expansion of e-Safety, where students learn the importance of using digital devices sensibly and safely. In e-Wisdom lessons, pupils make use of the Gooseberry Planet resource to create their work.